
 View Hill, Canterbury

What is your day job?

I work as the NZ Beef Genetics manager for leading animal health company, Zoetis. In this role I work with farmers throughout NZ, utilising my knowledge as a qualified vet alongside DNA technologies to benchmark, problem solve and create workable on farm solutions for raising herd performance.

How did you come to be involved with Future Beef NZ?

A very long time ago! I first became involved with FBNZ when I entered the competition via my school in 2008 when local Shorthorn breeder’s Nick and Jim Syme need leaders for the steers they were taking. I then competed for the next seven years before winning the Allflex Senior Beef Ambassador title in 2015, and then joining the committee in 2016. In 2019, I decided to step-down from the committee to focus on beginning my career after finishing university. In 2021 I was invited back to judge the Handler’s competition and shortly after re-joined the committee.

What is your favourite part of the Hoof and Hook competition?

It would have to be the people met, friendships made, and community of supporters that get in behind this event year upon year. Some of my closest friendships have been made through those I met during competing at the Hoof and Hook competition. 

Why do you think a competition like hoof and hook is important to the industry?

The Future Beef NZ Hoof & Hook competition truly is the starting point for many future beef industry leaders. The Future Beef NZ Hoof and Hook competition has been a platform of exposure for many young people to launch their beef industry careers. It is an integral event for developing our future industry leaders.

What is your role for Future Beef New Zealand?

As Chairperson, my job is to keep the committee motivated and on-track for delivering another stand out competition. I also work throughout the year with our events co-ordinator Samantha to ensure the overall running of the Future Beef NZ organisation.

What is the best advice (life or career) that you’ve ever been given?

Don’t feel guilty for doing what’s best for you